Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, February 7th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, February 7th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 7 February 2014, 4:41 PM

A few bits this week...

  • We started Reflexmath this week.  This program provides fun little games that help your child practice his/her math facts. He/she should have brought you a letter to help you get set up on your home computer. (The company representative mentioned that they are working on an app for tablets but it isn't ready to use yet.)  Each child has a unique password and must be the exclusive user of the program attached to that password.  The program tracks their progress and the facts that the child has mastered so sorry, no one else is allowed to try.  As the ideal number of practices is 4 and we only have 2 computer blocks a week, we are asking each student to sign in at least 2 more times from home each week. Each session lasts about 15-20 minutes as indicated by the green light in the top right corner of the screen.  Students can play more often if they choose.  smile  If you do not have a reliable computer available at home, students are welcome to use the class computers on Homework Club days, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Your child should also have brought a field trip letter home to sign.  On Thursday, February 20th, we will be bussing to the Symphony with a multitude of other grade 4 and 5 students from around the area.  If you have not returned this form yet, please ask your child about it and return it as soon as possible.
  • Spelling will be canceled next week as there is no school this Monday.  I apologize if your child does not have this week's score printed in his/her agenda.  I was unable to mark it in time. 
  • Homework club will be cancelled this coming Tuesday, February 11th as I have a pre-scheduled meeting to attend.
  • This year, instead of store-bought Valentines, I will be encouraging my students to create simple, hand-written Valentine Put-ups.  We will have class time to work on these next week but if anyone wants to get a jump on the activity over the weekend, I have attached a copy of the outlines and instructions.  This activity is completely optional.  Those not wishing to participate will do an alternate writing activity.
  • Popcorn Day is next Wednesday the 12th.

Have a great Family Day Long Weekend!
