Topic outline

  • General

    Noticeboard - latest message

    Picture of Emma Coles
    Welcome to Mrs C's Teacher page of announcements and resources
    by Emma Coles - Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 2:40 PM

    Please check here regularly for updates from Mrs C

    • Here is a cautionary mathematical tale that helps demonstrate the benefits of social distancing.  Coincidentally I would have read this to the kids this week any - the power of doubling.  Now it helps explain why social distancing means we stop doubling the numbers of infection each day. Link to a read aloud of the tale - One Grain of Rice, by Demi

  • Latest suggestions for at home learning

    will be emailed to you on Monday morning, and can be found on the Google Classroom.

    • Literacy

      Audible Books on Amazon - free to listen to, have a story read to you

      Epic Books - read a book online - class code uun4182

      Tumble books - free access at home, if prompted username: brentwoodsd63   password: reads

      Kiddle - an excellent web-search tool that filters out ads and inappropriate content.

      • Math

        Reflex - user name is mrs coles

        Play Prodigy

        Tumblemath - story/picture books to explain math concepts

        • Other awesome topics

 - try some coding at home smile  Class code is either: #1 - RLTTRB    #2 - VLVWBV    #3 - MRQBPV

          World Book, National Geographic Kids, Culturegrams etc: Links to the databases on the Learning Commons page of the Brentwood Website  user name: 63bre: password library

          Go Noodle - fun ways to get moving, dance and sing along!