Hello Division 16 Families.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms of Division 16 students. I hope you had a fabulous weekend with your family. I have attached the schedules for this week’s suggested learning opportunities.
Students are invited to sign up for video conferences this week. I have several meetings this week, so I am doing the one to one chats this Wednesday and the group chats on Thursday. Please encourage your child to sign up if they have questions, or if they are just wanting to connect with me or with their friends. The sign up will be on my Google Classroom but I have also added the link here.
In numeracy this week, I have shifted the focus to math games which will reinforce some of the concepts the children have been working on the past few weeks. I have also included a couple non tech word problems on the schedule. Finally, I have included a making play dough video created by Mrs. Salemink, to give the students a fun opportunity to work on fractions and measurement skills while creating play dough. I hope they enjoy it.
In literacy, I have included an opinion writing side deck. This is a step by step writing process and I hope the children take their time working through it. The children are welcome to complete their writing on paper, on a Google Doc or on the slide deck - it’s their choice. If your child needs more time than this week to complete this writing activity, they are welcome to continue working on it next week. In addition to the writing, there are two reading response activities to complete on Google Classroom.
Extra activities this week include French and music from Madame Scott and Mrs. Robinson. I have also included an origami art activity.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.
From Mrs. Cannady:
On Monday, May 11th, I will be hosting two larger group video calls with a Hats theme. Please be sure to have your child sign up. More information can be found in Google Classroom. If Monday, simply doesn’t work with your family’s schedule or you are more comfortable with an individual meeting please email to book a time.
In Math this week, students are invited to explore Probability by imaging a jar full of colourful marbles. They are also encouraged to find and measure 5 different objects and calculate the perimeter of each one. Students can also play a game that explores the relationship between area and perimeter. Check it out!
For Literacy, students are encouraged to select one item they would take with them if they were going alone to the moon. Then they are to compose a persuasive writing piece. Alternatively, students are invited to design and write a postcard to be sent home from the moon. As always, more details can be found in the attachments in our Google Classroom.
Please remember that all work completed with pencil/paper or offline can be photographed and emailed to mcannady@saanichschools.ca for feedback. All work submitted in Google Classroom will also be returned.