Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

November 14-18

Picture of Lorree Brown
November 14-18
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 14 November 2016, 8:33 AM

Thank you to all of the parents who met with us during parent-teacher conferences.  It was great to be able to share with you, your child's successes so far this term.  If you have not yet had a parent-teacher interview, please contact us to set up an appointment time.  We would love to meet with all parents before report cards come out in a few weeks.

Here are our events and reminders for next week.

Next Week:

Writing: We will be completing a journal entry on what the children did over the long weekend.  We will also be starting a creative writing piece based on the book, "My Most Magnificant Thing".

Grammar: More practise on commas and how to apply them to our writing.

Reading: We are going to look at different forms of storytelling - starting with oral tradition and First Nations stories.

Math:  Mrs. Brown will work with the children on large digit subtraction and problem solving.  Mr. Szczepanowski will continue working on patterns and how to recognize them using patterns to solve complex problems.

Science:  Although last week, we were trying to finish the circulatory system, we still have a little bit to finish before moving on.

Socials Studies: We are going to look at early contact and conflict between First Nations and European settlers.

P.E.: We are moving into our final weeks of soccer.


Poisettia Time!

Poinsettia sales start this week and run through to November 18th! Don't miss out on these beautiful plants and arrangements. All proceeds support our Grade 5 Fundraiser and helps send them to camp.

Save the Dates!

Winter Concert Dec 13 and 14 - more details to come!