Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, September 23rd Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, September 23rd Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 23 September 2016, 4:34 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Thank you to everyone who made it out to Know your School Night yesterday.  If you didn't make it, or even if you did, you nay have missed a couple things.  Firstly, I am hoping to use FreshGrade Digital Portfolios to keep you up to speed on your child.  If you are agreeable to it, you will need to sign a permission form for me.  You can check this link to learn more about FreshGrade and I will send forms home to those I missed next week.  Secondly, I am creating a Playdate Contact List so parents can arrange playdates more easily.  If you would like to join the list, send me an email that includes your phone number and the name of the contact person to add to my list.  I'm hoping to get that out to everyone next week!
  • A large amount of paperwork went home this week.  Thank you to all those who have already returned these important pieces.  The faster we get these out of the way the better!  
  • If you think you will be driving for any field trips this year, you will need a Criminal Record Check completed by your local police department.  Request letters are available at the Brentwood school office.
  • Don't forget Library Books are due back each Tuesday!
  • Next Thursday, September 29th is Picture Day!
  • Next Thursday is also Bug Busting Day.  Bug Busting is a PAC initiative.  Parents hope that if everyone checks their child(ren) for head lice on the same day, we will have greater success at keeping the critters at bay.  Check this link for more information about lice aka "Party Bugs"!
  • A few families have yet to submit the $35 fee for school supplies.  Please do this as soon as possible.  Also, some have yet to return the Kindergarten Handbook.  Please remember to return this also.  The children are patiently waiting for parents to make up a batch of playdough for the class.  Here's the recipe or use your own favourite recipe.  Thanks!
  • If you are interested in being my parent volunteer responsible for Scholastic Book Orders once each month, please let me know asap. Thanks!
  • Next week's Sharing: Monday-Daphne, Tuesday-Ella, Wednesday-Elizabeth, Thursday-Emaliah, Friday-Hunter.

Have a great weekend!