Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, January 22nd Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, January 22nd Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 22 January 2016, 1:36 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Thank you to all those who were able to join us for skating on Monday!  I certainly appreciate the help to tie all those laces.  Everyone feels like they got a little better at skating that day.

  • Next Tuesday is Math Morning from 8:40 - 9am. Please join us for Pyramid War, a game to sharpen those greater than/less than skills. Children are welcome to join in with classes other than their own as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

  • You should have received a letter on Thursday about a mysterious rash appearing on some of the students in this class. Our classroom and the French classroom received an “enhanced cleaning” last night. Please let us know if any other symptoms come up at home.

  • Please help your child return his/her homework book every Thursday. Being responsible for these books and the work in them is an important start to building positive homework habits for future years.

    PINK: pig, zip, big, him, six, bit, rip, win, did, pin, will, cup, tub, hum, jug, cut, nut, but, rub, fun, run, gum, oddball, put.

    YELLOW: (short e) when, sled, (short ea) dead, head, breath, bread, death, (long ee) trees, street, queen, sweet, (long ea) each, dream, steam, beach, reach, east, seat, oddball, lead (both long and short), great.

GREEN: bookcase, scrapbook, bookworm, bookmark, cookbook, lighthouse, flashlight, headlight*, sunlight, daylight, lightweight, snowman, snowflake, snowstorm, snowplow, headache, headfirst, headlight*, headstrong, headphones, downhill, downstairs, downtown, downpour, countdown. * either category

Have a great weekend!
