Tracey Westwood's K2

Thursday, October 22nd Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Thursday, October 22nd Update
by Tracey Westwood - Thursday, 22 October 2015, 6:18 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Ask your child about today's Métis Jigging and the story teller from the Squamish Nation.  We participated in these two events as part of the Full Circle Moccasin Trek.
  • There will be no Spelling this week as there is no school Friday.  I was hoping to squeeze it in today but no such luck.
  • Next Wednesday is Early Dismissal.  Students will be released one hour early at 1:48. 
  • Next week, we have set aside two evenings, Tuesday the 27th and Wednesday the 28th, for Parent-Teacher Conferences.  If you would like to meet with us, please use the following link to Doodle Scheduling to reserve a time slot.   If there is no slot that works for you, please do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment that works for you.
  • Remember that photo orders are due Tuesday, October 27th.  Photo retakes are next Wednesday, October 28th.
  • Next Thursday, October 29th is our Pumpkin Run.  The plan is for the whole school to run the field starting at 10:45.  Families are welcome to join us.
  • On Friday, October 30th, our class will participate in the school's costume parade.  Students are invited to wear a costume for the day but we are asking that students consider the audience.  Some of our smaller children are sensitive to the scarier/gorier masks so we would ask that these stay home along with toy weapons and pieces that you might fear would be damaged at school.  Weather permitting, recesses will be outside so talk to your child about it.  Also on this day,  our School Liaison Officer, Constable Davies, will be talking to the children about Halloween Safety.

Have a great weekend!