Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, April 11th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, April 11th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 11 April 2014, 4:02 PM

A few bits for the week

  • Grade 5s have three forms that came home this week. One was a permission form to walk to Bayside for an orientation tour.  The second was a form to indicate sizes for Grade 5 T-shirts. The third form was for students wanting to take band at Bayside next year.  The band form needs to be filled out and returned to Bayside as soon as possible.  Many students were turned away last year as band classes fill up fast!  If you have not already seen these, please ask your child or let me know if you need a copy.

  • Cross-country participants received a permission form today; please sign and return it before Wednesday. Our Cross-country Meets are the next 3 Wednesdays, April 16th, 23rd, and 30th at 3:15pm. Parents are responsible for arranging rides to and from Centennial Park each day. If you need help to arrange a ride, please let me know. Parking can be challenging so plan to get there as early as possible.

  • The Art and Writing Fair is coming! Your child has been working with Mrs. Kaercher to create a painting in the style of Roy Lichtenstein. These paintings along with a corresponding piece of writing will be on display at the fair along with all the art pieces every child in the school has made. Our own fabulous art gallery! Please come visit Thursday, April 24th from 8am to 6pm and Friday, April 25th from 8am to 12pm.

  • Because of Good Friday next week, our Spelling test will be on Thursday.

  • We lost our internet on Thursday this week so we had no Reflex Math time. Please add an extra session of Reflex to your weekend. smile

Have a great weekend.