Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, April 4th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, April 4th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 4 April 2014, 3:56 PM

A few bits for the week

  • Your child may have mentioned we have a new format for Novel Study that we started last week. This format involves less writing and more thinking. Stop by if you would like to see an example.

  • It is Bug Busting Weekend! Please take a few moments to check your child for lice and nits this weekend. If we all do it at the same time, we have a better chance of wiping them out. Unfortunately, I forgot to hand out the tickets that we're asking to be filled out for prizes so I've attached a copy you can print at home or you can make a hand drawn version. For the draw, check the heads, fill out the ticket, return it Tuesday.

  • Monday is a Pro-D day. Teachers will be at school doing some planning for next year. Since there are no classes Monday, there will be no spelling next week.

  • We have made some changes in the classroom that allow students to budget their time. If there are assignments that did not get done by the due date, you may see them come home this weekend. Please remember, I would prefer he/she spend no more than 30 minutes each day. If this is not enough time, then we will make adjustments at school.

  • We started our Artist-in-Residence project today.  Our class will be creating a painting in the style of Roy Lichtenstein! Pow!  All the grade 4s and 5s will also be creating a tile depicting "Living our Brentwood Beliefs" which will be displayed on the school wall for all to see for years to come!  Thanks Mrs. Kaercher!
  • Because of Art class this morning, we missed our Reflex Math session.  Please add a session to your weekend so children are doing 3-4 every week.  Congratulations to Carson who reached 100% Fluency this week.  Carson put in lots of extra time on Reflex Math and it has really paid off.  Great job!
  • Scholastic Book orders for April are due Wednesday, April 9th.

Have a great weekend.