Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of January 17-21

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of January 17-21
by Lorree Brown - Tuesday, 18 January 2022, 6:21 AM

Hello Division 13 Families. 

Below you will find the events and reminders for the week.

Math:With Mrs. Brown, we will continue our unit on large digit addition. Students are app;ying what they know about addition to plan a hiking trip this week.  With Ms. Nightingale,  we are learning how to calculate the area of objects.

Writing: Students will also be finishing their  New Year’s resolution project where they chose one little word for the year.

Reading: We will continue reading our novel, Everest-The Contest, this week. Students will read and complete various reading response activities after reading. 

Social Studies: This week we are finishing our Zentangle ships representing the three main reasons for exploring.  We are going to dive deeper into the four 'C' explorers: Columbus, Cabot, Champlain and Cook.

Science: Yesterday,  we began learning how ecosystems are interconnected and started exploring some of the biomes on this planet.

Art: New years art using oil pastels. 

Physical Education: This week, we will continue our basketball unit. 



  • Jan 19 - Fun Lunch - cancelled

  • Jan 21 - Eagle Convocation 10:45-11:14am (Please remind your child to wear their eagle shirt)

  • Jan 24 - Popcorn Day -cancelled