Hello Division 13 Families.
Below you will find the events and reminders for the week.
Math:With Mrs. Brown, we will continue our unit on adding multi-digit numbers. With Ms. Nightingale, students will begin the new unit on Perimeter and Area.
Reading and Writing: This week we will continue our introduction to our new project, “Biography in a Bag”. Students will listen to a biography, read by Mrs. Brown and then they will watch Mrs. Brown’s presentation and critique her written assignment on the biography. On Thursday, students will choose the biography they wish to read and they will be given time to read and write notes.
Social Studies:This week we are learning about a significant time in history that led to European exploration off the continent. The Year Everything Changed was a slideshow that introduced students to Constantinople, trade between the West and East, and the year 1453 when Mehmet II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, captured Constantinople. It led to an interesting discussion with lots of questions and further research!
Science: In Science, picking up where we left off, we continued to dive into the way different species use their senses
Physical Education: This week, we will continue to play cooperative games as well as continue our focus on soccer skills.
Art: This week we will complete our birch tree paintings as well as our Winter dog/cat paintings.
November 30 - Eagle Convocation - Wear your eagle shirt please.
November 29 - December 15 - Brentwood Elementary is excited to support the Central Saanich Police Department in their 5th Annual Cram the Cruiser Toy Drive on December 15th. We will be collecting new unwrapped toy donations, for all ages (birth - teens) from November 29th - Dec. 15th. All toy donations will be distributed to local families in our community.We thank you for your support.
December 9 - Report cards will come home.