Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

November 22-26

Picture of Lorree Brown
November 22-26
by Lorree Brown - Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 5:49 AM

Hello Division 13 Families. 

Below you will find the events and reminders for the week.

Math:With Mrs. Brown students will show what they have learned in rounding and write a short quiz.  We will also begin our unit on adding multi-digit numbers. With Ms. Nightingale,  we had our celebration of learning for our Measurement Unit.  Students were able to put their knowledge to use, using metric units of measurement for distance, capacity and weight.

Reading and Writing: This week we will continue our introduction to our new project, “Biography in a Bag”.  Students will listen to a biography, read by Mrs. Brown and then they will watch Mrs. Brown’s presentation and critique her written assignment on the biography.  Eventually, students will read a biography of their choosing and complete a written summary of the book they have read.  Students will also be required to present their information.  More to come on this assignment, next week. 

Social Studies:We are continuing with our research project about an Indigenous group from across Canada.  Students have used the notes they made to create brochures showcasing their group. Ask your child to tell you a little about the indigenous group they have been learning about.  They should be able to tell you a little about the clothes they wore, how they travelled, tools they used, food they ate and the types of shelters they lived in.

Science: In Science, we have been learning about different animals that use echolocation and have watched a video highlighting sharks and their sense of smell. 

Physical Education: We had special requests last week to play a couple favourite games in gym.  There were a lot of smiles on Monday when we played a fun game of Fire Ball to warm up, followed by an exciting game of Sneaky Raccoons! For the rest of the week, we will continue to play cooperative games as well as continue our focus  on soccer skills. 

 Art: This week we will work on our Fall painting project. 





  • PAC Poinsettia Fundraiser - Please pick up your orders in the gym at the end of this week. See the school website for details on dates and times. 

  • November 26 - Climbing Wall Field Trip

  • November 29-December 15 - Brentwood Elementary is excited to support the Central Saanich Police Department in their 5th Annual Cram the Cruiser Toy Drive on December 15th. We will be collecting new unwrapped toy donations, for all ages (birth - teens) from November 29th - Dec. 15th. All toy donations will be distributed to local families in our community.We thank you for your support.