Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of November 1-5

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of November 1-5
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 1 November 2021, 9:26 PM

Hello Division 13 Families. 

First, I’d like to thank our parent volunteers for helping us sew spiders last week. Bonnie, Pam, Angie, Sean, Chantal and Katherine, we could not have done it without your help!  Thank you for devoting your time and energy to the success of our students. Second, thank you to all of you who provided pumpkins for the students to carve.  I hope you enjoyed seeing the design your child chose to turn their pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern.  We had a wonderful time carving. Finally, please remember, we are swimming tomorrow at Panorama.  Remind your child to bring their swim suit, towel, goggles, pocket snack and water bottle to school. 

Below you will find the events and reminders for the week

Math:With Mrs. Brown students will begin using their knowledge of place value to round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. With Ms. Nightingale, we are reviewing and practicing what we have learned in our unit of measurement.

Reading: Students will finish their comprehension questions on their candy corn reading from last week and we will engage in some deeper thinking questions and answers about the information in the text. 

Writing:  This week our focus will be sharing our writing from last week. Students will also complete a journal entry about their Halloween weekend. 

Social Studies: In Social Studies we are continuing with writing postcards from a province or territory of our choice. Students are applying what they have learned about their province or territory and including details (landscape, bodies of water, information about indigenous culture and activities) that they find interesting.

Science: In Science this week we are learning how our sense of hearing works. In addition, we are going to see how some animals use echolocation.

Physical Education: We continue to play cooperative games as well as continue our focus  on soccer skills. 

 Art: This week we will be glazing our clay projects.



  • Thursday, November 11 - Remembrance Day - No school.

  • Friday, November 12 - Pro-D Day - No school for students.