Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of October 18-22

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of October 18-22
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 18 October 2021, 1:25 PM

Hello Division 13 Families. 

Below you will find the events and reminders for the week. Please remember, we have early closure on Wednesday and Thursday.  Children will be dismissed at 1:48.  This Friday is a Pro-D, so there is no school for students. 

Math:With Mrs. Brown students will continue learning about place value.  We will begin comparing large numbers using our knowledge of place value and value of digits in a number.  We will also use what we know about place value to practice our skip counting. With Ms. Nightingale, we will be learning about measurement. 

Reading: This week students will read about candy corn and how it is made.  Students will demonstrate their comprehension by writing a summary and answering comprehension questions. 

Writing:  We continue to work on our “Haunted House for Sale” descriptive writing.  Students will complete their planning page and begin writing their draft. 

Social Studies: We will be reviewing the continents and continuing with our mapping unit.  This week we are looking at the provinces and territories of Canada.  Students will be breaking into pairs to research one province in more detail and by next week will have the opportunity to share with the class what they have learned.

Science:  After being introduced to our nervous systems last week in Science, we will be looking at our sense of sight and smell in more detail and how these senses may differ in various animal species.

Physical Education: This week we will play cooperative games as well as continue our focus  on soccer skills. 

 Art: We will begin creating a 3-D haunted house paper model which will accompany our descriptive writing. In addition, we will be creating a special project with clay. 


Next week we will be sewing spiders and I need parent helpers for this job.   If you are able to help with this next Wednesday 10:15-11:15, please send me an email and I will give more information on Covid protocols when volunteering in the classroom. 



  • October 20 and 21- One hour early dismissal (parent conferences)

  • October 22- Provincial Pro D day

  • October 27 - Sewing Spiders (Parent volunteers needed)

  • October 29- Class pumpkin carving - please send a cleaned out pumpkin for class carving.