Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, September 24th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, September 24th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 24 September 2021, 4:15 PM

A few bits for the week…

  •  I believe we have finally settled the schedules for our class:
    • Library – Thursdays (Try to return books each Wednesday)
    • Gym – Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
    • French with Mme Scott – Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays
    • SENĆOŦEN with Mrs. Sam - Tuesdays
    • Music with Mr. Jung – Tuesdays
    • Drama with Ms. Greenius – Tuesdays
  •  The littles brought home their first library book this past Thursday. Please help them to find a safe, special spot to keep their book so they know just where to find it when it is time to bring it back on Wednesday.

  • I introduced the littles to our class Bitmoji page this week. I use the page each day during our morning routine. It contains some of the videos and stories we have explored. You are welcome to check it out with them and revisit some of our themes as often as you like.
  •  If you have not already heard, I like to use FreshGrade digital portfolios instead of term 1 and 2 report cards. More on this to come.
  • Last year, some kiddos were getting chapped little hands from our frequent hand washing. It was unclear whether it was a reaction to the soap or just that our sad paper towels were not doing the best job of drying their hands before going out in the cold. I recommend you keep an eye on their hands and if you feel you would like to send a labelled personal soap or hand towel, you are welcome to do so.
  • It is not uncommon for some of our classroom toys to find their way home, particularly cars, Lego, and little animals. If you happen to notice any unfamiliar toys in those backpacks, please return them.
  • No school for little people on Monday, September 27th and Thursday, September 30th.
  • Special helpers/sharing next week are Camilo on Tuesday, Cooper on Wednesday, and Duke on Friday. Those who forgot their sharing or had their day bumped due to absences are welcome to bring their sharing any day.

Have a great weekend!