Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Jan. 13-17

Picture of Lorree Brown
Jan. 13-17
by Lorree Brown - Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 6:09 AM

Here are the events and reminders for this week and next week:

Math With Mrs. Brown, this week we will continue our unit on large digit addition.  Students will be adding double digit and triple digit numbers and demonstrate their ability to regroup and carry.  Students will also continue to do some project based learning, where they will continue to plan a birthday party or hiking trip, purchasing their supplies and add up their costs with the hopes of staying within their budget.   With Mrs. Cannady: This week we continue to review polygons. Students will practice identifying, grouping, naming and drawing polygons. Student's attention will be drawn to the importance of using a pencil and ruler during this unit. 

Writing: 1) We will continue our Fairy Tale unit.  Students will be finishing  their first drafts of their fractured fairy tale.  Each student will be proofreading their work and completing a check, to make sure they have fulfilled the criteria. When completed, they will print their fairy tales and begin illustrations. 

Reading: Last week students were encouraged to find a chapter book for silent reading.  This week, each student will conference with Mrs. Brown about the book chosen.  The book title will be recorded and students will be writing reading responses at the end of each silent reading block.

Science-Students will be meeting with their Kindergarten buddies, learning about the effect of temperature on particles and enjoying some hot chocolate. *Please send a mug for Friday.

Social Studies-Students will continue to explore what life was like for the First People of the Northwest Coastal Region before European settlers arrived. 2) After a special presentation on Monday students, will cover and design a FIELD NOTES Book for their Two Worlds unit. Their FIELD NOTES book is a place to collect notes, answer questions, wonder, respond and reflect on their learning during this Social studies unit. *Please send in brown paper bags and travel magazines for Monday.

Physical Education: We will play cooperative games and continue with our basketball unit.

Upcoming Dates / Reminders:

  • If you have not done so already, please return your child's report card envelope with a signature. Thank you. 
  • Please remember to check and sign your child's agenda every day. Students should be reading 20 minutes each night and doing Reflex Math 3 times per week for 20 minutes.  Students who have finished Reflex can do Prodigy Math
    • Fun Lunch - Wednesday, January 22nd
    • Eagle Convocation - Friday, January 17th - Please have your child wear their eagle shirt. 
    • Buddy Skate at Panorama - Thursday, January 23rd 
    • Winter Concert - Jan 23 -   We would like to invite you to attend our Winter Concert on January 23, 2020. The children have been practising diligently and have a wonderful display of artistic learning to share! Thanks to our PAC for supporting the Artist in Residence program which has given our students the opportunity to participate in this project with Mrs. Gill Chater. 

      We will have two shows-- these will occur at 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm on January 23. To allow as many families as is possible to attend, please choose one show to watch as we have a limited capacity in our gym. Thank you in advance for staying for the duration of the show to enjoy all the student performances. Should you have questions about the show, please email Sara Salemink at, or speak to your child's teacher about questions specific to individual classes. We look forward to seeing you there!

      • Popcorn Day - Monday, January 27th    
    • Intermediate Swim at Commonwealth Pool - Friday, January 31st

    • PAC Social - February 8th at 6:00pm  See PAC web page for details.

Have a great week.