Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of October 14-18

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of October 14-18
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 14 October 2019, 7:17 PM

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing weekend spent with family and friends. Last week got away from me and I did not send the blog, my apologies. We were very busy last week with art, math and writing.  Students worked on their autobiography projects, writing out their bucket lists.  In math, students worked on comparing and ordering large numbers, as well as learning more about area. In art, we finished our clay bowls and hope you enjoyed receiving them on the weekend.  In addition, students made model magic owls and dogs.  These turned out beautifully and will be on display in the classroom before coming home. Socials Studies brought the students into the world of politics and elections. In PE we played games and continued working on soccer skills. Below are the events for this  week. 

This week:

Math With Mrs. Brown, students will continue to work on ordering and comparing large numbers.    With Mrs. Thornton, students continue to learn about and explore area.

Writing: This week our grade fives continue to work on their autobiography projects, "This is Me in Grade Five". Students will be heading into the computer lab to research the origin, meaning and etymology of their names. They will also be writing an "I Am" poem. 

Science- We are continuing to work on animal super senses, adaptations and biomes.

Social Studies- We are learning about the federal election and will be participating in the student vote next Friday October 18th. We are also learning about early contact, trade, cooperation, and conflict between First Peoples and European peoples.

Physical Education:We continue with our first unit in soccer and play cooperative games. 

ArtWe will add colour to our Model Magic owls and dogs. 

Upcoming Dates / Reminders:

  • Please remember to check and sign your child's agenda every day. Students should be reading 20 minutes each night and doing Reflex Math 3 times per week for 20 minutes.  Students who have finished Reflex can do Prodigy Math
  • Wednesday, October 16th Fun Lunch
  • Thursday, October 24th PAC Family Dance

  • Friday, October 25th Non Instructional Day - No school for students.
  • Monday, October 28th Popcorn Day

Have a great week.