Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of November 18th - 22nd

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of November 18th - 22nd
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 18 November 2019, 3:55 PM

Welcome back!    We are still waiting for dates for various events and will send an email as soon as we know. Here are the events for the week.

This week:

Math With Mrs. Brown, we will do a review of all the math covered in the first six weeks of school.  After review, we will move onto ordering and comparing numbers, skip counting and finally, we will begin rounding.  With Mrs. Thornton, we will be reviewing and finishing up our measurement unit. We will be going over how to find the perimeter and area of different objects and determining when each measurement is needed.

Reading/Writing: We will be starting our Fairy Tale unit.  This week, students will be reading a variety of stories and Fairy Tales.  Students will work in groups to discover the differences between a Fairy Tale and a regular story.  They will fill out a chart and come up with the elements of a Fairy Tale.  We will also  be working on writing personal narratives in our journals with the focus on a good beginning/hook. Last, students will be reading about the author J.K. Rowling and completing a comprehension activity. 

Science- We will be reviewing and finishing up world biomes and animal super senses. We are almost done our biome research activity and starting to finish up our creative animal projects.

Social Studies- We are continuing to learn about interactions between First Peoples and Europeans and how the pursuit of valuable natural resources changed Canada.

Physical Education: We will  continue with our  unit in soccer and play cooperative games. 

Art: This week we will be finishing up all art projects which have been started and not completed.  I would like to do a sewing project soon, since we missed that in October.  I will be asking for parent volunteers for this activity but please DO NOT do not need sewing skills (although that is a bonus).  Your job will mostly be threading needles and fixing tangles.  I have many threaders to help with the threading.  Stay tuned for the date and more details. 

Upcoming Dates / Reminders:

  • Please remember to check and sign your child's agenda every day. Students should be reading 20 minutes each night and doing Reflex Math 3 times per week for 20 minutes.  Students who have finished Reflex can do Prodigy Math

I will fill in the rest of the dates when we get confirmation of all the changes as a reslut of the job action. Thank you for your patience. 

Have a great week.