Mrs. Blackie - K1 News

Thursday, November 29 - Weekly Update

Picture of Jeni-Lynn Blackie
Thursday, November 29 - Weekly Update
by Jeni-Lynn Blackie - Thursday, 29 November 2018, 9:37 PM

Hello everyone, 

It is hard to believe it is the last week of November! We have been working on finishing up some projects - creating a Spider booklet as we investigated Spiders this term in Science. As well, we will say good-bye to Fall and welcome Winter - our seasonal study that we work on throughout year.  

With our Buddies, we will start our investigation of Matter next week - kicking it off with experiments on Monday afternoon - it will be a lot of fun!

In Math, we will continue to review patterns/sorting and counting throughout the year but we will start our financial literacy study next week to link with our new role play center - Elve's Workshop/Store and we usually have a naughty Elf that comes to visit from the North Pole to check up on us as we get closer to the holidays.

In Social Studies - We will explore "families" - and discuss how we are the same, different , how we celebrate our traditions, and what our needs and wants are. 

Sharing: Family Christmas Traditions - what is something your child enjoys doing at Christmas - picking out the tree? Going to grandparents? Going on a special trip?  Baking special treats?  Please discus with them a family tradition to share next week. Thanks for your continued support!

Diagraphs: oa, ee / or  popcorn word: to    I encourage you to play the songs so the children can hear the sounds. 

  oa - 

     ee/or -

 ai -

sh -

     letterland megamix to review the letter sounds:

Portfolio glueing - Big thank you to Tana and Alexa this week for getting it started - it is a big job. Next week - Amanda and Tana will be glueing Wed morning - 9:30. The more the merrier! I appreciate the offers to take the work home but there are too many pieces/supplies needed that I'd appreciate it being done at school. Thanks again for the offers.

Calendar Reminders:

Dec. 7 - Parent Reading from 8:40 - 9:00  Please make your way into the classroom as the children come in. I will have holiday books on the table for you to read.  

Dec. 10 - Dance clothes - red and green need to be at school in a bag marked with your child's name

                Crafts with K's /1's - 12:30 - 1:40  - A rotation of crafts  - Parent volunteers needed (more info to follow)

  Dec. 13 - Dance Performance -please choose only one time to come

Dec. 17 K1/K2 "Candy Tree" decorating: We will be making Christmas cone trees with Mrs. Westwood's class.  Please have your child bring in a small bag of candies that they can share and a baggy of Royal Icing. If you would like to volunteer, we can always use an extra pair of hands. We will need help setting up the Multipurpose Room for after recess.  

Dec. 20 - Jingle Run

Dec. 21 - Buddy Crafts - last day of school 

Enjoy the weekend, 

Mrs. Blackie