Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Welcome to Division 13

Picture of Lorree Brown
Welcome to Division 13
by Lorree Brown - Wednesday, 12 September 2018, 11:59 AM

Welcome to the new school year and our class moodle site.  This will be the place where we will keep you posted on all classroom events, homework, and important school dates. Please check this page often.  

Last week I sent home a letter with information about our classroom.  Attached to this letter was a student information form.  Please fill out this form and return it to the classroom. 

Upcoming Dates / Reminders:

  • Students will receive reading sheets this week..  The reading sheets are to be kept in the front pocket of the agenda.  When your child has read for 20 minutes, sign the sheet please.  Reading sheets will be checked every week and children will receive a draw ticket every five nights they read. 
  • Please remember to check and sign your child's agenda every day. 
  • September Scholastic orders are coming home this week.   If you would like to order anything, please have them back by Thursday, September 27th. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada.
  • Friday, September 28th is Orange Shirt Day - Every Child Matters.  Children are encouraged to wear an orange shirt if they have one. 

Have a great week.