Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, June 1st Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, June 1st Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 1 June 2018, 5:47 PM

Wow! Can you believe your babies are almost finished Kindergarten?  Here's a few bits for the week...

  • We had four morning walks this week!  Thanks to all the parents who were able to make this possible.  Next week, we have walks on Monday and Thursday.
  • We have been talking about Body Science and strategies for staying safe, including Talk, Walk and Squawk when you feel uncomfortable (icky) around someone.  Right now, we are struggling with kissing at school so we've been putting some emphasis on lips as private parts.  As we've already had some heartbreak here in Kindergarten, please support the policy of no boyfriends or girlfriends in elementary school. This is not to be confused with boy friends and girl friends.  Feel free to extend that rule to middle school as well.  I know the teachers there will appreciate it!  smile
  • Next Wednesday, we will have a visit from the World Fisheries Trust as they present the Sensational Sea Program.
  • Two field trip forms came home this week.  Thank you to those who have already returned them and thanks also to our volunteer drivers.  So far, we are only short drivers for 2 more students.  If you haven't already, please sign and return as soon as possible.
  • Class placement requests are no longer being accepted at the office but if you drop me an email, I'll do my best to accommodate your requests - no guarantees, of course.
  • If you missed the opportunity to order a green BRENTWOOD T-shirt for your child, Mrs. MacGregor has a few extras available. 
Looking ahead
  • June 19 - afternoon activities to recognize Aboriginal Day
  • June 22 - Fun Day (more details to come)
  • June 26 - afternoon (likely 2:00 pm) KINDERGRAD
  • June 28 - Parent Appreciation Pancake Breakfast/Last day of school for kids

Have a great weekend!