Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of April 9-13

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of April 9-13
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 9 April 2018, 3:19 PM

Hello parents.

Welcome back!  I hope all of you had an enjoyable Spring Break with your children.  As you may have been told by your child, I had an extended Spring Break and Mrs. Gilmour came in to teach for me last week.  The students were very productive, starting a Poetry Unit, learning "Time" in math and they created beautiful button blankets during art. This week proves to be equally busy. Below is our schedule and reminders for the week. 

Math With Mrs. Brown: We continue to work on multi-digit multiplication We are also working on learning our basic multiplication facts. Please practise this with your children at home. 
WritingThis week we are working on acrostic poems and alliteration poems.
Reading: We continue to work on our Reader's Theatre where students will perform a read aloud play in groups.  Performance date will be later in April or early May.  We are also reading aritcles from Canadian Reader where the children will be working on finding the main idea of a reading passage.  

Math: identifying triangles (Scalene, Equilateral and Isosceles) by their attributes

Social Studies: looking at one of Canada's natural resources: Forests

Science: Devices that transform input energy (example: a glow stick -- chemical to light)

Physical Education: April is, "Net Month", where we will keep the nets up in the gym for the entire month of April.  We will be working on our volleyball skills this week. 

Dance:  Students continued learning a new dance for the Fine Arts Festival and for the performance in May.  Mark your calendars now...the performance will be on Tuesday, May 15th at 12:30 in the gym.  In addition, students will be performing in the Fine Arts Festival at UVic on Tuesday, April 24th.  Parents are welcome to drop by to watch their child perform at the festival.  A permission form will be sent home this week with more details. 

Parents of Grade 4 students:  FSA booklets and results are being sent home today.  Please read them over and if you have any questions, feel free to email or call. 


Fun Lunch April 18 Last day to order online is April 8. Thank you for supporting Brentwood PAC.

April 18

Bayside band visits Brentwood.  Any grade five students interested in band need to fill out the form given to them and have their parents return it to the Bayside office on April 19th.

April 20

Non instructional day, Friday, April 20 - no school for students.

April 24

Festival at UVic - 8:35-1:30  ( Students will need to be at school at 8:30 on this day, as buses will be leaving at 8:35)

April 25Popcorn Day!

April 30

Grade 5s go to Bayside for tour and lunch. 

May 15

Dance performance in the gym at 12:30.