Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, October 13th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, October 13th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 13 October 2017, 4:44 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Photo orders went home today. The official order deadline is next Friday, October 20th, but there's no school that day so shoot for the 19th unless you're ordering online.
  • Big thanks to the PAC for the BKind t-shirts.  Everyone in the school received one! 
  • Ask your child about meeting Big Buddies for the first time today.  Our Buddy Class is Ms. Backhaus's grade 2/3.  Today was just a playtime together so we can pair them up appropriately for next week.
  • One of our students is missing a blue MEC rain jacket.  If you have mysteriously gained one in your home, please send it back to school as soon as possible.
  • Our first Fun Lunch is this Wednesday, October 18th.  If you have not purchased a lunch from PAC for your child, please take some time to talk to your child about it so he/she won't be upset on the day.
  • Next Friday, October 20th is a Non-Instructional Day (NID). Students do not attend school while staff go off to do professional development.  I will be re-certifying my First Aid that day.
  • Brentwood Kindergarten is going for a walk to Sluggett Farm on Monday, October 23rd.  We'll be looking for volunteers to help us so save the date.  More info coming next week.  Little ones are welcome but make sure strollers have big wheels that can handle the mud!  If the temperature is half decent, we'll be encouraging everyone to play in the mud so a change of clothes is a must!
  • Sharing for next week: Monday - Emma, Tuesday - Hattie, Wednesday - Ian, and Thursday - Kaelyn.  

Have a great weekend!