Hello Parents.
This week proves to be another busy one with some new projects ( Cereal Box Novel Report and Poetry Anthology) and finishing up a few top secret projects which will come home on Friday. We will also be participating in a student vote on Tuesday for the Provincial Election. On that topic, our school is a polling station and the gym will be closed for any school use. As a result, there will be no Action Morning. Here are the events and reminders for this week:
This Week:
Writing: Students will choose 10 poems from their "Top 30 List" of poems and begin typing them to put in their their poetry anthology project. More information to follow.
Reading: Novel
Study: "Number the Stars". We will be working on the "Cereal Box Novel Report".
We continue to work on long division. We will have a review on Wednesday and Thursday will be our unit test. Please make sure your son or daughter is practising and studying at home for this test.
We are also continuing our geometry unit and are exploring lines of symmetry in polygons.
*Gauss Math Contest: A few students have been preparing to participate in the Gauss math contest. The contest is this Thursday afternoon, May 11th. *
Science: We continue our unit on Simple Machines.
This week students will learn about the the wedge and how it works and how it makes things easier.
P.E.: This week we will continue to learn the game of volleyball and we will participate in a mini tournament with Mrs. Blackie's class.
Gym Closed Tuesday - Provincial Election...Don't forget to vote!
Popcorn Day - Wednesday, May 10th
Fun Lunch - Wednesday, May 17th
Legacy Art Gallery Field Trip- Wednesday, May 31st - A permission slip was sent home today for this field trip. Please send the signed form back with payment as soon as possible.Grade Fives: 1.
Please send a baby picture for the yearbook. This can be sent by email
or you can send a hard copy which will be returned. 2. Camp letter and packing list was
sent home last week.
New Gym Floor: In an attempt to keep the gym floor clean, I am insisting the kids wear clean shoes. Please make sure your child has a pair of clean shoes ready for gym.