Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, March 17th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, March 17th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 17 March 2017, 5:17 PM

Here's a few bits before Spring Break....

  • Your children have probably told you that we have a new student in our class.  Please welcome Chloie and her family to our Brentwood community!
  • Report cards went home this week.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
  • Today, I sent home all the inside shoes and extra clothes so you can have a look, check to see if anything needs to be washed, repaired or replaced.  There were some pretty tiny pieces here and the kids have grown so much!  Please don't forget to send gym shoes and a change of clothes when we get back in April.
  • Today, we had a visit from Crumpet, the canine star of the movie, “Dr. Doolittle: Million Dollar Mutts”.  We watched some of the movie and the children recognized, “Lucky” when she came in!  They had lots of good questions for her owner including, “Can she really talk?”  Too funny!
  • Thanks to everyone that made it in for our performance  Turns out they were a little nervous but they still did pretty well for you.  It means a lot when they see you engaged in their learning.  
  • Beginning the week after Spring Break, we will be inviting family members to come in and read with us on Friday mornings until 9:00.  I apologize if this doesn't work for you.  If you are available a different day, please let me know.  I'm happy to find a time for you to come in and read to a small group.
  • We are still “collecting” 100 Acts of Kindness.  If your child does something particularly kind for you, a friend, or a family member, please send a note/email. 
  • We are also still collecting toilet paper and paper towel tubes, but we are also looking for loose parts!  Loose parts includes all sorts of little things like milk or yogourt bottle lids, the little pull tabs inside orange juice cartons, corks, buttons, and more!  We use them for counting, sorting, imaginative play, and various art creations.  Anything you have, you can send in with kids or drop in the hallway collections bucket.
  • Sharing after the break starts with Monday - Hunter, Tuesday – Karson, Wednesday – Kya, Thursday – Liam, Friday - Natalie.

Have a super Spring Break!  See you April 3rd.