Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of November 28-December 2

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of November 28-December 2
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 28 November 2016, 6:22 AM

Hard to believe we are in our last week of November and December is upon us!  Here are the events and reminders for this week:

Reading:  We are learning about storytelling and identifying parts of a story.

Writing:  We will finish our final copies of "My Magnificent Thing" writing pieces.

Math:  With Mrs Brown, we will be learning about budgets and personal finance.  The children will be given an occupation with a monthly wage.  They will be required to buy a house, a car and calculate major living expenses for the month.  The goal is to work within their budget.  With Mr. Szczepanowski, students continue to look at patterns and equations, building their own equations to explain patterns.

Science:  Mini research project on the Muscular System.

Socials Studies: We are looking at creation myths and early human habitation of Canada. 

Art: Acrylic snow families on canvas.

PE:  Basketball begins this week.


Swimming today, Monday, November 28th - Don't forget a bathing suit, towel and pocket snack.

Report Cards - Thursday, December 1st

Term One Celebration of Learning: Wednesday, December 7th, 1:45-2:45 in the Multi Purpose Room.

Winter Concert: Tuesday, December 13th, 6:30 in the gym