Tracey Westwood's K2

Thursday, February 11th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Thursday, February 11th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Thursday, 11 February 2016, 4:49 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Volunteers are still very much needed to help put our portfolios together in advance of upcoming Student-Led Conferences. Please let me know ASAP if you are willing to help. More info about Conferences will come soon.

  • Tomorrow, Friday, February 12th, is a Non-Instructional Day. School staff will be using the day to discuss implementation of BC's new curriculum.

  • There is another Pro-D day next Friday, February 19th. I know that some of you are throwing your hands in the air and thinking, “What? Another one?” It is important for you to know that these days are very important to keeping teachers current on best practices in the classroom. Having them during the school year allows us to use our new ideas right away rather than “stockpiling” them in the summer. Also, these days are added to the year as part of our contract so your child is still receiving the same number of instructional days as they always have.

  • Ask your child about today's School Dance! The children enjoyed a Valentine's Day surprise. We had a fun time thanks to Mr. Moss and his DJing skills!

  • New Spelling this week! Please help your child return his/her homework book every Thursday. Being responsible for these books and the work in them is an important start to building positive homework habits for future years.

    PINK: can be sorted three ways – Initial blends (fl-, cl-, pl-, etc), endings (-ip, -ap, -ag, -am, -at, -ab, -ill, oddball) or middle vowel short a and short i. Flag, flat, flip, clip, clap, plan, grip, grill, grab, cram, cram, slam, slip, slid, slap, brag, brat, drill, drip, drag, trap, skip, glad, spin

    YELLOW: (short u) thumb, plump, stuck, brush, junk, trunk, , (long ue) blue, due, flue, glue, true, , (long ew) new, grew, few, knew, dew, chew, flew, crew, stew, blew, oddball, truth, sew

GREEN: (long vowel) super, later, tiny, paper, tiger, over, ruler, crazy, diner, even, open, (short vowel) supper, dinner, rabbit, hello, lesson, penny, summer, happy, puppy, kitten, letter, oddball, busy, do, pretty

Have a great weekend!
