Tracey Westwood's K2

Firday, January 8th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Firday, January 8th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 8 January 2016, 3:57 PM

Happy New Year and welcome back to school everyone!  I wish you and your family a lovely 2016!

A few bits for the week...

  • Skating Field Trip forms went home this week. Please sign and return as soon as possible. On Monday, January 18th between about 12:30 and 2:30, we will bus to and from Panorama Rec Centre with our buddies. Skate rentals are $3.50. Families are welcome to join us!

  • The students have a little extra homework!  We are studying the properties of matter in Science this term and to start, we would like to make an ice castle!  I am asking each student to go home this weekend, fill a container with water (and optional food colouring), and put it in the freezer.   Then, next Friday (the 15th), we will take these frozen blocks outside and see how big we can build an ice castle.  We will look at the weather and temperature and predict how long it will take to melt.  Yay Science!
  • Speaking of containers, there are a few in our classroom lost and found left from last year. Most are red topped Rubbermaid. I will keep them in the room for another week and then I'll put them in the main lost and found.

  • Spelling resumes this week.

  1. PINK: pill, fill, mill, spill, hill, bill, will, chill, still, drill, bell, fell, smell, well, shell, tell, sell, ball, mall, tall, fall, call, small, hall
  2. YELLOW: (short u) crust, trust, skunk, bump, (long u_e) cube, dude, prune, (long ui) fruit, suit, juice, (oo) food, smooth, mood, spoon, bloom, broom, moon, tooth, (oddball) build
  3. GREEN: (fe >ves) wife, wives, life, lives, wolf, wolves, knife, knives, loaf, loaves, leaf,  leaves, (vowel change) foot, feet, mouse, mice, tooth, teeth, goose, geese, woman, women, (no change) sheep, deer

Have a great weekend!
