Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, October 10th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, October 10th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 10 October 2014, 3:27 PM

Here are a few bits for the week...

  • Reflex Math is up and running. Your child should have a username and password written on one of the front pages of his/her agenda. It takes about 15-20 minutes to earn a green light but students can continue to play after the green light goes on. 4 or more green lights per week are highly recommended.

  • Daily Reading is a necessary piece of grade 4 success! Every student in our class has a goal to work on at home. Please ask your child what his/her reading goal is.

  • Now that you've seen what the spelling homework looks like, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. I was really picky about not using capital letters on this test so please help your child practice with lower case only (unless the word is a proper noun, of course). Scores are written in the agenda.

  • Ask your child about his/her Genius Project. Right now, only students who have finished their work early have started this passion project and some may complete more than one. Time will eventually be scheduled so everyone has 30-60 minutes per week to work on it but some time may need to be invested at home. Talk to your child about the following questions: What are his/her passions? What would he/she really like to learn more about? How will he/she find the answers to questions? How will he/she present this research to the class?

  • Head lice has been discovered in our class. Please take a moment to check your child's head for visitors this weekend. :P

  • Thanksgiving is Monday so no school.

  • Tuesday is PHOTO DAY!

  • Thursday is the Great Shake Down and EARLY DISMISSAL. Please remember to collect your child at 1:48.

  • Monday, October 20 We go to Boulders Climbing Gym at Stelly's Secondary School for a walking field trip. This trip ties in nicely with our Physical Education and Health Education as we explore ways to overcome our fears and be brave.

Have a great long weekend!