Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, June 3 Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, June 3 Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 3 June 2022, 5:15 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Eagle Convocation is Wednesday, June 8. Students are encouraged to wear their Eagle shirts.
  • To celebrate Pride month this year, Brentwood classes will be learning about diversity and inclusion for 2SLGBTQIA+ peoples. A SOGI-inclusive school means that all of these experiences and identities are embraced and should never be cause for discrimination. On Friday, we ask that students wear colours of the rainbow to show that Brentwood supports pride month.
  • If you have strong feelings about class placement next year, please see Class Placement Requests 2022-2023.pdf.
  • As always, big thanks to our morning walk teams! Next week, there are events that may disrupt our walk plans. I will try to let walk volunteers know asap.
  • Nicola and I are working on a field trip for Friday, June 17. We would like to take the littles to Iroquois Park for a year end celebration from 11am-1:45pm. We will send home the letter as soon as we get confirmation on a school bus. Families are invited to join us if you can.
  • Please remember to download any content you wish to keep from FreshGrade before the end of the month. That said, Nicola and I are continuing to upload for at least another week.
  • Special helpers/sharing next week will be Lily, Tyler, Anders, Astri, and Bentley.

Have a good weekend!