Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, March 18th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, March 18th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 18 March 2022, 3:26 PM

A few bits before the break...

  • FreshGrade report summaries have been posted.
  • I have sent home your child's spare clothes and inside shoes so you can determine if there are any changes needed. Please don't forget to send some back in April. 
  • After the break, teacher candidate, Ms Cristin La Fortune, will be taking an increasing role in teaching your children as she works through her program. 
  • Also after the break, we will be starting our neighbourhood walks and parent read-ins! More info will come in April.
  • Many of the children have shown an interest in using pencil crayons at school. Talk to your child and if they are keen, they are welcome to bring labelled pencil crayons to school after the break. This not required. The choice is yours. 
  • After the Spring break, we are going to change the rules for sharing a little bit. I would like the littles to bring something that is special to them, but is not a toy. For examples, children in the past have brought their art, rock collections, family photos, family artifacts, and interesting stories. As always, we are happy to receive photos and videos electronically. Sharing for the week after the break will be Hudson, Ian, Jacob, Jaxon, and River. 

Have a lovely Spring Break!