Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 4
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 31 January 2022, 11:23 AM

Hello Division 13 Families. 

 Below you will find the events and reminders for the week.

Math:With Mrs. Brown, we will continue our unit on large digit subtraction. With Ms. Nightingale,  we are continuing to practice how to calculate the area of various objects. We are gearing up for our Design a Zoo project that enables students to apply what they have learned about perimeter and area.

Writing: Students will work on informational writing this week where they will choose to write about something that interests them.

Reading: We will continue reading our novel, Everest-The Contest, this week. Students will read and complete various reading response activities after reading. 

Social Studies:Last week we started our day together reading Amanda Gorman's book, "Change Sings" which led to a great dialogue about change we might want to see and hope for where we live.  We then went on to learn a little about Martin Luther King (a week after MLK Day), why he was a significant person in history and what types of changes he had hoped for his own kids.  We made connections to things happening in our own world now and talked about why it is important to discuss these big issues with respect and kindness.  Due to some great discussion and learning, we were unable to get to some of the planned activities last week, so we will start them today. In social studies this week we are carrying on with our unit about explorers who made their mark here in Canada.  We are making two more explorer trading cards on Juan de Fuca and Simon Fraser.  

Science: In science, students will begin their group mini-research projects learning about various land biomes. 

Art: This week we are making corner bookmarks for literacy week. 

Physical Education: This week, we will play California Kickball on Monday and continue our basketball unit the rest of the week. 




February 3 - Maturation Talks for Division 13

February 14 - Valentine's Day - A class list will be sent home for those who wish to participate in giving Valentine's cards.

February 14 - Popcorn Day

February 18 - Pro-D Day - No school for students.

February  21 - Family Day - School not in session.