Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, January 15th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, January 15th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 15 January 2021, 3:05 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • This week, we discovered that our class have a number of children ready to learn about appropriate behaviours involving body parts. Today we talked about our private places and who is allowed to look at, touch, or photograph them (parents and doctors, with a parent's permission, plus themselves, of course). I also taught them how to lock our classroom's bathroom door. Questions may arise this weekend. 
  • Eagle Convocation coming this Thursday, January 21st. Please wear eagle shirts if possible.
  • A number of children are showing interest in taking home chapter books from the school library. If you would prefer your child to stick with picture books, please let me know. Also, because of eagle convocation, our library book exchange will be on Friday next week so the littles can keep their books until Thursday if they wish.
  • I just finished updating eveyone's alphabet caterpillars on FreshGrade. If you want to check your child's progress, go back down to where the first caterpillar was, click it, and scroll to the second photo.  Everyone is doing great!
  • I will be away next Tuesday. Ms.Filopovic will be in to teach.
  • Sharing next week is Tate on Monday, Addie on Tuesday, Anson on Wednesday, Arianna on Thursday, and Ben on Friday.

Have a great weekend!