Mrs. Blackie - K1 News

Saturday, October 25 Weekly Update

Picture of Jeni-Lynn Blackie
Saturday, October 25 Weekly Update
by Jeni-Lynn Blackie - Saturday, 26 October 2019, 3:25 PM

Hello everyone,

A big thank you to the parents who were able to join us on the Galey Farms Visit. We all have fun despite the weather. The children shared that they liked being able to pick their pumpkins and the train ride seemed to be a favourite! 

As you may have heard, CUPE -Educational Assistants, office staff, custodial staff, bus drivers, etc.-have given the school district their strike notice.  There are talks this weekend but schools have been told they are being closed starting this coming Monday. Brentwood teaching staff will be respecting the picket lines and supporting our hard working, highly valuable support staff. The district website will have the most up-to-date information regarding the re-commencement of classes. Thank you for your understanding.

Sharing- Please help your child to share what they are going to wear for Halloween. It is oral sharing - they just have to talk about it and why they chose it. Thanks for your support with this. 

Enjoy this lovely sunny day!

Mrs. Blackie