Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, February 1st Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, February 1st Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 1 February 2019, 6:52 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Good news!  We got enough drivers for Monday's skate trip!  Thanks to everyone who was able to make it work, especially those who underwent the criminal record check and hoop-jumping for driving a group!  We'll start assembling at 11:15, hoping to leave at 11:20.  Please don't forget your child will need a booster seat, helmet and appropriate clothing.  If you haven't already sent in $3.50 for skate rental, please send/ bring it Monday.
  • This coming Wednesday the 6th, I will be away in the afternoon.
  • Our class will be joining Mrs. Blackie's to build an ice castle out on the blacktop this coming Thursday, February 7th.  We are asking everyone to bring some ice blocks to contribute. Ideally, we'd like you to involve your child in filling containers with water (adding food colouring if you wish), putting them in the freezer, and checking on them to see how long they take to freeze.  Containers can be any shape or size.  You can experiment with jelly moulds, ziplock bags, balloons, or whatever you can think of.  The more blocks we get, the better our castle will be!
  • This past week, several of our girls have been mentioning not feeling well in the morning shortly after arrival.  It's difficult to tell if they are mimicking the one person who originates the idea, if they are all just peckish, if they are experiencing some anxiety, if they are reacting to something they ate just before school, or if they are actually experiencing an illness. Please let me know if your child mentions anything over the weekend, and perhaps talk to them about whether they need a bigger breakfast to hold them until snack time (between 9:30 and 10:00).
  • Sharing this week is Madeline on Monday, Madison on Tuesday, Mason on Wednesday, Poppy on Thursday, and Quinn on Friday.

Have great weekend!