Tracey Westwood's K2

Thursday, November 22nd Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Thursday, November 22nd Update
by Tracey Westwood - Thursday, 22 November 2018, 4:49 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • No school for kiddos tomorrow.
  • Your child received a Brentwood Eagles T-shirt today!  These were provided by your PAC for every child and staff in the school and it is his or hers to keep.  We will request that children wear their shirt on Eagle Convocation Days once a month.  I'll post as soon as I have dates.  But in the meantime, they can be worn as much or as little as they wish.  Thanks PAC!K2 Eagles
  • K2 Eagles ham

  • Monday is Pyjama Day.  This is a School-wide Spirit Club initiative.  It is optional.  Children who would like to wear pyjamas to school are welcome to do so; those who would rather not, no pressure.  Please remember boots and proper rain coats as children will still be going outside for recesses.
  • Sharing next week is Lucas on Monday, Madeline on Tuesday, Madison on Wednesday, Mason on Thursday, and Poppy on Friday.

Have a great weekend!