Mrs. Blackie - K1 News

Weekly Update - Thursday, Sept. 27

Picture of Jeni-Lynn Blackie
Weekly Update - Thursday, Sept. 27
by Jeni-Lynn Blackie - Thursday, 27 September 2018, 10:08 PM


Thank you everyone who had a chance to come tonight, it was great to meet you! I did forget to mention that if you wish to drive for field trips, you need to come into the office and pick up a criminal record application - there is no cost and they now last 3 years.  I have in-class activities planned for the first term but in the new year will be planning excursions that will require parent drivers. So, if you think you can, please make sure you get your application in early as they do take time. 

Orange Shirt Day - Please have your child wear an Orange Shirt to remind us that Every Child Matters.

 if you didn't get a chance to sign up for the Playdate list - please come and see me before the bell or after the bell to sign up. It is great to see the children making connections and playing/learning with one another in class. 

Letter Sounds/Names -we have been investigating: Aa, Ss, Tt, Ii, Pp, Nn    You can support these letter names/sounds at home when reading with your child. Just casually ask them if they can find one of them or if they can make the sound. I follow 2 programs -  Letterland  which encourages letter recognition/sounds through songs and Jolly Phonics which orders letters to encourage blending of sounds to read words.( ie. at, as, sat, etc) 

 I will be sending home their Literacy book next week with some songs we have been singing in the classroom for them to share with you at home. Every week this book will come back on Monday so I can add new sheets on Thursday for the next week. 

Here are some things that will be happening in our class next week:

Letter Sounds/Names- Cc, Kk, Ee      Sight Words:  I, a

Sharing: Please have your child bring in one object that has the same letter sound as their first name. Plus, please help them to write 3 clues for their peers to try and guess what it is. ( I help them read the clues if they forget them). They will see my example tomorrow.

 For example:   Blackie - 3 Clues  1) it is like a circle, but it is called a sphere  2) it rolls   3) it bounces  What am I?  BALL                    

Bus Safety Orientation: Our Kindergarten class will be participating in a bus safety trip this Monday morning at 9:45. This is to show students what to do on a bus and around a bus which is important as we will take a bus for field trips. Please return the Fieldtrip form ASAP. 

Glass Mason Jars - Please have your child bring in a Mason jar - 500ml or larger to school by Wednesday, Oct 3 - Thank you!

Applesauce: Please have your child bring in an apple by Wednesday as we will make apple sauce to share with the class.

Science table: Investigating seasonal changes. If you and/or your child want to bring any collections from nature to our class, we will be looking at how seasonal changes affect living things. For example: leaves, acorns, chestnuts, pine cones, seedlings, etc. We will start to investigate fall animals, plants and how they are affected by seasonal changes.

Library Books - please return them on Monday

Finally, I will be attending a District Science Workshop on Tuesday, October 2 and will have Ms. Bouley in to teach the class. She has been with the students already as I was in a meeting at the end of the day this past week and she covered the short block of time. I wanted a familiar face for the children and will let them know on Monday that I will not be in Tuesday but will see them on Wednesday. 

Enjoy your weekend,

Jeni-Lynn Blackie