Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of May 21-25

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of May 21-25
by Lorree Brown - Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 4:06 PM

Hello Parents.

We've had a great start to the week.  Below are the details of classroom activities  and reminders for the week. 

Math With Mrs. Brown: We have continue to work on on long division and are learning the steps to accurately compute a long division question.  Some of the students need to do a bit of extra practice on this and I will be sending their math books home over the weekend.  Please check in with your child and get them to show you the steps of long division.  I also encourage the children to go to the  KHAN academy website ( ) for a review lesson on long division if they need extra help over the weekend. We are also working on Fact Family Drills which will be given three times per week. With Mr. Lurie: We continue with our unit on probability and statistics. 
WritingThis week we aree working on finishing our shape poems.  WE have also completed a recount writing piece on our experience at Camp Imadene.   In addition, students are learning how to turn research notes into sentences and paragraphs.  
Reading: We continue to work on our Reader's Theatre where students will perform a read aloud play in groups.  Performance date will be on Tuesday June 5th at 1:55 in the classroom.  We are also reading articles from Canadian Reader where the children will be working on finding the main idea of a reading passage.  

Science: This week we continue our unit  on space. We finally get our visit from the Royal Astronomical Society on May 10th.  Students have also been watching the moon phases and studying constellations. 

Social Studies: Continue looking at one of Canada's natural resources: Forestry and Physiographic features of Canada.

Physical Education: We continue our track practice.  Please mark your calendars: District Track Meet - June 14th at UVic Centennial Stadium (more information later)


May 24th - Grade 5 Parent Night - 7:00 pm Bayside Middle School

Thursday, May 31st - Science Ventures

Monday, June 4th - Buddy Beach Day - Island View Beach (still looking for parent drivers please)

Tuesday, June 5th, 1:55 pm - Division 12 Celebration of Learning Open House

Thursday, June 14th - District Track Meet - UVic Centennial Stadium

Wednesday, June 20th, 10:00 am - Service Assembly

Friday, June 22 - Fun Day and Intermediate Swim at Commonwealth

Tuesday, June 26th, 10:00am - Grade 5 Farewell Ceremony 

School Bus Registration 2018/19 

School bus registration is now open for the 2018/19 school year. Please use the link provided to register your student. To ensure a seat on the bus please have your registration completed by June 29, 2018. The bus routes listed below are to be used as a guideline only. Updated bus routes for next year will be posted on this site by August 15, 2018.