A few bits for the week...
- Permission forms for our morning walks went home this week. Thank you to all those who have already returned them as well as those who have already signed up to accompany us. If you are interested in joining us, here's the link. We will start with a short morning walk next Wednesday!
- Permission forms will be going home next Monday for our next field trip. This time, we're going up to visit the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. We will need parent drivers for this one. If you think you can help out April 25th from 8:40-10:30ish, please hold the date.
- A letter from Island Health about vision and hearing screening came home this week. Please take a moment to look it over.
- Just so you know, there were 6 or 7 children in various classes that went home after vomiting at school today. If your child tells you s/he has an upset tummy this weekend, you might want to believe it and get a bucket. :P
- Here is Mrs. Eng's Invitation to Brentwood's Dance Extravaganza
- Sharing next week is Abigail on Monday, Adam on Tuesday, Arley on Wednesday, and Casey on Thursday.
- No school this coming Friday, April 20th.
Have a good weekend!