Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of October 16-20

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of October 16-20
by Lorree Brown - Tuesday, 17 October 2017, 6:47 AM

It's a short week with our non-instructional day happening this Friday. Here are the events and reminders for the week.

Math With Mrs. Brown, student wrote a place value quiz last week.  Ask your child to show you their quiz.  This week we will continue to work on ordering and comparing large numbers. 
With Mr. Lurie, students continue to learn about measurement.   Students did excellent work with perimeter and will work begin solving area problems. Afterwards, they will make a poster to show their learning. 
Writing:  This week we will revise our persuasive paragraphs and work to type out our final drafts.

Reading: Students will use their abilities to look for clues in non-fiction reading passages to answer questions specific to the text. 

Socials StudiesThe class is wrapping up its study of "pre-contact" and will begin lessons on the Early European Explorers.
ScienceLast week, students looked at bats and echolocation; this week they will look at the five senses humans use. (How living things sense and respond to their environment.)

ArtWe did not have time last week to add colour to our Model Magic creations.  We will add colour and complete these projects by Thursday.  We will also be completing a sewing project on Thursday where students will have the opportunity to sew spiders, pumpkins or ghosts. 


Intermediate Parent Information Night

Please plan on attending an information session on Tues., Oct. 17 @ 5:30 pm in Mrs. Marchand's classroom. Teachers will be present to share an overview of the exciting opportunities and experiences they have planned for the 2017-18 School Year.

Fun Lunch: Wednesday, October 18th

Sewing Project: Please consider volunteering in our classroom from 9:00-10:20 on Thursday, October 19.

Non Instructional Day: Friday, October 20th - No school for students. 

Pumpkin Carving:  We will be carving pumpkins on Monday, October 30th, 12:30-1:40.  Please send a gutted/cleaned out pumpkin with your child on this day.  We are still hoping to get a few more parent volunteers for this activity.  Please consider coming in to help if you have time. 

FSA's for Grade 4 Students: Monday, October 23-Friday, October 27

Please do not park in the Brentwood Community Hall parking spaces

Please do not park in the Brentwood Community Hall parking spaces for drop off and pick up. Thank you