Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

May 2 - May 6 Weekly Reminders

Picture of Jeni-Lynn Blackie
May 2 - May 6 Weekly Reminders
by Jeni-Lynn Blackie - Friday, 29 April 2016, 12:01 AM

Hello everyone,

                    What a great visit with Bayside! We hope your child had their questions answered and that they look forward to visiting the school next week.  Please make sure the permission form is signed and returned so they can walk with the class on Tuesday.  

Reminder of the Brentwood's Got Talent Show next week. If your child is in it, they need to bring their music, props and costumes to school Thursday for the dress rehearsal. Friday is the main show happening at 1:45 in the gym. Come and enjoy the show!

Here is what is happening next week:

Language Arts: Story Writing

                          Reading Magazines, Poetry and Non-fiction selections about Natural Resources

                          Vocabulary - What is the Mystery Word?

Social Studies - Natural Resources - renewable and nonrenewable sources

Science: Marshmallow  Catapult (Simple Machines)
Math: Area of a Rectangle

          Pattern/Variable Quiz on Wednesday, New Unit on Fractions & Decimals
Art: Tea Cup Watercolours

Drama - Games, Reading Plays
Gym: Volleyball, PISE, Fun Friday games

Have a wonderful weekend!
