Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, March 11th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, March 11th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 11 March 2016, 3:13 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • Please sign and return report card envelopes as soon as possible. Thank you to those who have already done so.

  • Spring Cleaning! The custodians are planning to wash out our closets during the break so I have sent home all the extra/indoor clothes and shoes from school.  It is a good opportunity to check that everything still fits!

  • No Spelling for Spring Break!

  • Children who attended the Talent Show meeting have received a letter for parents to look at. If your child forgot to go to the meeting and wants to sign up, here is a copy of the letter.

  • Thanks for your support for the Cookie Sale!

Have a great Spring Break!
