Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of Feb 22-26

Picture of Jeni-Lynn Blackie
Week of Feb 22-26
by Jeni-Lynn Blackie - Friday, 19 February 2016, 11:43 AM

Hello everyone,

Here are some reminders:

Symphony on Monday-Bus leaves the school at 8:45am

Early Dismissals - Wed, Thurs - students to be picked up at 1:48  (Parent/Teacher Interviews)

Student Celebration of Learning- March 11 at 2:00 in the MPR

Purdy's Chocolates-paper forms due Feb 26, you can order online too.

What is happening this week:

Language Arts: Inferencing; Harry Burdick Stories; Reader's Theatre

                   S.S. /Writing: Inquiry Writing for Projects - final drafts, work on projects (please have your child bring in materials)

Math: Measurement (mm, cm, m); Math Wall; Multiplication and Division Drills

           Continue with long division
Science: Rube Goldberg Study

Art: Heart Art

We hope you have a great weekend!
