Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Week of February 8-12

Picture of Lorree Brown
Week of February 8-12
by Lorree Brown - Friday, 5 February 2016, 5:44 AM
Hello everyone,

                 First week of February was fabulous!  Students have  been enjoying the morning active session with Mrs. Bagshaw in the gym. Thanks for getting them here super early! We will start our S.S.inquiry this week- info will be sent home Friday.  A timeline will be sent home to help your child with managing class time and home time research.  Thanks for your support with this.

Reminders:  Cheques for camp  (Jan 30) should be in the office. ( We will be sending a camp
                      package home next week. Please fill out the forms and return.)

                      Popcorn day Wed Feb 10

                      Skating Thursday - Please return your child's permission form A.S.A.P.

                       Valentines Exchange - This is an optional activity but if your child participates,
                                                           please include one valentine for each child in the class.
                                                           A list of names will be sent home.


                    No School - Feb 8 -Enjoy Family Day

                                         Feb 12 - Curriculum Information Session

Language Arts - Non- Fiction - Using Text Features for Research of Inquiry Project

                                                 -Reading Assessments

                                                 -Reading Responses

                                                 -Inferencing and Story Writing

Spelling - Next week is a three day week, so we have decided to put spelling on hold.  No spelling    next week.

Math - Division Strategies (please support your child to review their multiplication facts)
            Measurement - measuring in cm and mm; converting cm to mm to m


S.S. Inquiry Project - Your child's choice of what they want to learn and become an "expert" to share with  the class (for example - late 18th C Canada - Confederation, Gold Rush, Immigrants, Railways)

Science - Simple Machines

Have a great weekend.
