Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

This coming week - Nov 23 - 27

Picture of Jeni-Lynn Blackie
This coming week - Nov 23 - 27
by Jeni-Lynn Blackie - Friday, 20 November 2015, 3:47 PM

Lots of things happened this week....

Your kids were fantastic in creating, organizing and presenting their obstacle courses to several classes on Tuesday. It was a lot of hard work and they were great leaders! 
The swimming field trip was a great success too. We're sure many of them had a wonderful sleep Wed as they seemed to have lots of fun in the pool! Thanks to Mrs.Brown for organizing both great Gym events!
We had Ms. DiLucca  share information on Growth Mindsets so please ask your child to share with you what it was about. She will be visiting us next week too.  

Here is what is happening next week...

Spelling - Unit 7
 Green                                              Blue
1. wrote             11. roast                 1.unnecessary          11. imperfect 
2. explode         12. throat                2. ungrateful             12. impatient
3. broke             13. follow                3. unfortunately        13 immortal
4. phone            14. snow                4.undependable        14. improbable
5. stove              15 narrow              5.unconscious           15. immature
6. froze               16. know               6.disengage               16. inaccurate
7. foam              17. crow                 7. disappear               17. inappropriate
8. coast              18. sorrow             8. disapprove              18. inadequate
9. goal                19. scold               9. dissimilar                 19. independent
10. toast             20. marigold         10. dishonest               20. inexpensive

Reading - Guided Reading groups - focus on summarizing and comprehension
                                                        - discussing parts of a story - characters, setting, problem, solutions
                 Partner share - connections with a picture book
                Writing: Connecting to Feelings
                Editing: Periods, Commas and Capitals

Math - Estimation Quiz on Wed. Nov. 24
          - Begin new unit on Multiplication/Division
          -Graphing Posters
Science: Separating Mixtures Lab Activity
Health/Career - Empathy/Respect

Social Studies - Senate and the House of Commons - Detective Activity