Mrs. Brown and Ms. Nightingale

Welcome to Division 11.

Picture of Lorree Brown
Welcome to Division 11.
by Lorree Brown - Monday, 14 September 2015, 9:22 PM

Hello Parents.

Welcome to the new school year and our class moodle site.  This will be the place where we will keep you posted on all classroom events, homework, and important school dates. Please check this page often.

Upcoming Dates / Reminders:

  • School supplies should be in the classroom now.  Thank you to those of you who have already sent supplies.
  • An information letter (see attachment) went home on Thursday.  Please return the completed student information sheet. 
  • September Scholastic orders will be going home this week.  If you would like to order anything, please have them back by Monday, September 21st. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada.
  • Next week Thursday, September 25th- from 5-7pm is our Community Dinner Night.

    Please share a family favourite (casserole, salad, side or main). Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided. Tables will be set up on the Blacktop area for food and refreshments.

    Please have contributions here by 5 pm.

    Families will have an opportunity to visit classrooms and meet staff from 5-6pm. We look forward to seeing you here!