Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, Decemberrrrr 9th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, Decemberrrrr 9th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 6 December 2013, 6:33 PM

A few bits this week.

  • Remember the concert this Wednesday, December 11th.  Students need dark pants, white shirts and easily removable slippersWe are asking students to bring their slippers to school by Wednesday morning so they get to try them in the dress rehearsal at 12:15.  Students need to be in our class by 6:20 but you may want to come earlier to get a good seat.  I will likely be there early too but please don't leave your child in the classroom unattended if I'm not there.
  • Food and Funds drive continues.  Donations can be dropped to the box in the classroom, the front foyer or at the concert.
  • Please ask your child if he/she has math homework this weekend.  There were several who did not complete this week's practise sheets.  They are due Tuesday.
  • Homework Club is cancelled Tuesday, December 17th due to a prior meeting arrangement.
  • Remember Mrs. Brown's craft supplies for Monday.
  • Pancake Breakfast is on Monday the 16th.  Please contact our class rep, Martina Redman or Mrs. Brown for details or to sign up to bring something.

Stay warm this weekend!