Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, October 22nd Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, October 22nd Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 22 October 2021, 2:02 PM

A few bits for the week…

  • Thanks for meeting with me this week. I'm glad almost everyone was able to meet. If you didn't get a chance, or if you want to chat for any other reason, don't hesitate to email and we can set something up.

  • We're expecting Eagle shirts to be delivered next week so we're asking anyone who already has one to wear it next Thursday, please and thanks!

  • Next Friday, October 29th, the littles are invited to dress up in costumes or wear their Eagle colours. Weapons and overly scary masks are not permitted as they are often frightening for us teachers.  Also, I encourage you to keep the "real" costume at home until Trick or Treat time as they often lose pieces or become damaged during the school day.

  • Sharing next week is Ayaka on Monday, Bentley on Tuesday, Blake on Wednesday, Camilo on Thursday, and Cooper on Friday. 

Have a great weekend!