A few bits for the week...
- Early dismissal is this coming week, Nov. 4 and 5. Please don’t forget to pick up the littles at 1:48.
- Check here for your MS Teams parent-teacher conference time. I will not be emailing confirmations. Here is the link for Wednesday meetings and here is the link for Thursday meetings. If you are accessing on a mobile device, you may be required to download a free app. If you are using a desktop or laptop, you do not need to create an account to join the meeting. Anyone, who wants to test the connection on Monday or Tuesday, contact me via email.
- To acknowledge Remembrance Day this year, Brentwood is doing a virtual parade in slide show form. Please consider emailing in a photo of your family members, past and present, in uniform so that we can create a slideshow parade of veterans and serving members to mark their day. Armed Forces, police, firefighters, etc. Those who serve, in uniform. Photos can be sent to Mrs Coles at ecoles@saanichschools.ca. It would be nice if you could attach their name, rank, dates served (and location if you know it) to add detail and context for our students. Please submit the photos no later than November 5th to give us time to compile the slideshow. Thank you
- Here’s a note from the front office: Student drop off and pick up during school hours
- We appreciate that from time to time our students will have reason, such as appointments, to arrive late or to leave school early. Should your child need to be dropped off or picked up, the steps to take are below:
- Email your child's teacher and Brentwood attendance with details (brentwood_attendance@saanichschools.ca)
- Upon arrival at the school, knock on the front doors, where you will be greeted. Please wear a mask.
- Your child will be called from class to sign out at the office
- We will escort your child to the front door to meet you
Please note - we will only release your child to authorized individuals. Thank you for your efforts as we manage our student's safety.
- School counsellor, Shannon Toronitz, has asked me to share a link with you. COVID Family Resources
- Sharing this week will be Ewan on Monday, Jacob on Tuesday, Jorie on Wednesday, Jordanna on Thursday, and Leif on Friday.
Have a great weekend!