Hello Brentwood Eagle Families
Thank you for your understanding as we work through these unusual times together. We are very much looking forward to welcoming many of our students in-person to school and have been working diligently to ensure that we are prepared to meet both health and safety and educational needs.
Students returning to in-person learning have been assigned to cohorts with consideration to the numbers in each classroom and to fit within an overall reduced school density. Cohorts are either Monday/Tuesday or Wednesday/Thursday. You will receive information today on the days your child(ren) will attend from the classroom teacher.
For the month of June, there are some important changes to note for all families. While remote learning continues, the ability of teachers to connect with students at home will change somewhat as some students will be also attending in-person. Fridays will be the best day to connect with teachers in regard to remote learning, teachers will also connect at other times as possible. Remote learning will continue to be the foundation for directing our learning this month, with in-person instruction allowing an opportunity to reconnect and engage in supplemental learning activities.
At school, we have a variety of health and safety protocols in place to meet the need for physical distancing, hand hygiene, and student and staff wellness. Some important changes to note for the month of June are:
· Keep your child home when you notice any symptoms of illness - even very mild symptoms. Call 8-1-1 for advice on how to self-assess for COVID19 or access the BC Centre for Disease Control Self Assessment tool at https://bc.thrive.health/. You will also see a document attached entitled “Student Health Screening” which gives more information.
· Entry Routines--Students will enter and exit class by a specific door; parents are asked to drop off and pick up outside at the student line up locations (rather than at the parking lot) and have each child stand on the orange dots in the line up areas. Your teacher may provide more details about this. To help ensure physical distancing measures, prompt pick up and drop off are appreciated.
-Our school grounds are only for use of students and staff attending in-person during school hours
· Students should bring all water, food, and personal supplies to and from school each day
· Recess and lunch times will be staggered and play structures remain closed
· Eating times will be adjusted to allow adequate time for hand-washing and cleaning
· Students will remain in their cohort throughout the two-day schedule, and where possible, this will be with their regular classroom teacher
· Students need to attend during their assigned schedule. Groups are designed to ensure overall school capacity remains at 50% or less.
· The school library will not be available for students. All materials should be dropped off to the school (some details surrounding this will be shared as soon as possible)
-Please send 2 large zip lock bags with your child to put personal items in.
· Extracurricular activities such as crossing guard, lunch monitors, clay club, and track and field will not continue this month.
· There will be increased custodial time to maintain Health and Safety protocols.
· Parents should follow regular attendance protocols, including using the absence email address brentwood_attendance@saanichschools.ca if the student will be away. Parents that need to speak to office staff need to do so by waiting at the main office door to be greeted.
· Buses will run on their regular route schedule, but providing your own transportation, if possible, is encouraged.
Please note, Friday June 5 is a previously scheduled NID and as such, there will not be any in-person or remote instruction on this day.
As always, should you have questions, please contact our principal, Sara Salemink at ssalemink@saanichschools.ca . We are here to help and thank you for your flexibility and understanding as we work to support our students together.